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TETRATEX BAG FILTER, 117 MM DIA. X 3048 MM L (4.62" DIA. X 120.00" L)

Tetratex bag filter, 117 mm diameter x 3048 mm long (4.62 inch diameter x 120.00 inch long), disk bottom with 2.5 inch wear cuff, snap band top to fit a 0.1875 inch thick tube sheet with 5.236 inch diameter opening for other brands of baghouse dust collectors.
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Tetratex bag filter, 117 mm diameter x 3048 mm long (4.62 inch diameter x 120.00 inch long), disk bottom with 2.5 inch wear cuff, snap band top to fit a 0.1875 inch thick tube sheet with 5.236 inch diameter opening for other brands of baghouse dust collectors.
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